Never Give Up On Your Dreams
This week we featured an amazing athlete and coach on the Runners Shop Youtube channel who has been racing triathlon since the mid 80's. Steve Maddog Mckellar started racing triathlons as a teenager with the ambition of one day participating in Ironman Kona, Hawaii. He has just qualified for the second time in his life at 50 and did so in his second Ironman in 5 weeks!
In the interview Maddog reminds us to never give up our dreams because no matter what your age there's always something to reach for. There are so many moments in the interview that are purely inspirational for athletes of all levels and experiences.
Marg and Maddog cover the finer points of not being disheartened in an Ironman race when the going gets tough or things go wrong. Sometimes flat tires happen and you just have to be prepared, practice in training when you get a flat, change it fast!
We hope you enjoy this and the many other interviews we have posted on our channel so far. As always if you have any questions or comments we'd love to hear them and answer them for you!