Central Coast Half Marathon & 10k Training Program Week 8

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Welcome to week 8.  I hope your training is going well so far.  There is no long run for this week. The track sessions are substantially reduced and you should start to freshen up a little this week. I have scheduled another Park Run for Saturday.  You should be able to compare it to week 4 and measure if you have improved from 4 weeks ago. Again, the run is not flat out, and should be at tempo / 10k pace. 

Next week will be the biggest week for everyone in terms of total kilometres and also the longest run that you will do in your training.

10km Training Program

Finish time over 50 mins

Day Training
Mon 21/10 3k
Tue 22/10 Rest
Wed 23/10

3k Total

including track session: 4 x 400m (3 mins recovery between each)

Thu 24/10 Rest / X Train*
Fri 25/10 Rest
Sat 26/10


including 5k Park Run at 10k pace / tempo

Sun 27/10 Rest / X Train*


Finish time under 50 mins

Day Training
Mon 21/10


Tue 22/10


Wed 23/10

8k Total

including track session: 4 x 400m (2 mins recovery between each)

Thu 24/10

Rest / X Train*

Fri 25/10 6k
Sat 26/10


including 5k Park Run at 10k pace / tempo

Sun 27/10 Rest / X Train*


Half Marathon Training Program

Finish time over 2 hours

Day Training
Mon 21/10 4k
Tue 22/10 Rest
Wed 23/10

6k Total

including track session: 4 x 400m (3 mins recovery between each)

Thu 24/10 Rest / X Train*
Fri 25/10 Rest
Sat 26/10


including 5k Park Run at 10k pace / tempo

Sun 27/10 Rest / X Train*


Finish time under 2 hours

Day Training
Mon 21/10


Tue 22/10 Rest
Wed 23/10

8k Total

including track session: 4 x 400m (2 mins recovery between each)

Thu 24/10

Rest / X Train*

Fri 25/10 8k
Sat 26/10 12k Long Run
Sun 27/10 Rest / X Train*


Training Information / Terminology:

Wed track sessions: option to do coached RUNFIT 2260 session at Mingara Athletics Track for $10 a session plus track entry on Wednesday at 5.45pm.

- Park Run is a free timed 5k event. Head to www.parkrun.com.au for details. Local Park runs including The Entrance, Mt. Penang and Woy Woy.

- Unless specified in the programs all running should be carried out at a pace at which you think you could carry on a conversation with someone

- Fartlek: (meaning speed play) is alternating between fast and slower running

- 3k pace: this is the pace /effort level you would expect to run in a 3k race

- 5k pace: this is the pace /effort level you expect to run in a 5k race

- 10k pace: this is the pace /effort level you expect to run in a 10k race

- Half Marathon Pace (HMP): is the pace / effort level you expect to run in a half marathon

- X/Train: means cross training which is any other form of exercise such as swimming or cycling. It should not interfere with your ability to complete running training


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Coast Runners Shop assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in the contents on the article.

In no event shall Coast Runners Shop be liable for any special, direct, indirect, consequential, or incidental damages or any damages whatsoever, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tort, arising out of or in connection with the use of the article or the contents of this article.

Fitness disclaimer

This article offers health, fitness and nutritional information and is designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional.

Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health related advice from your health-care professional because of something you may have read in the article. The use of any information provided in this article is solely at your own risk.

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